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562. The Final Solution

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:

Author:   Michael Chabon

Genre:   Fiction, Mystery, Crime, Historical Fiction

131 pages, published November 2005

Reading Format:   Book


After finishing this hard to follow book, I’m not really sure what it is about.  The characters include Linus Steinman, nine years old and mute, who has escaped from Nazi Germany with his African gray parrot and 89 old man who was once a famous detective.


“Long life wore away everything that was not essential.”


“The application of creative intelligence to a problem, the finding of a solution at once dogged, elegant, and wild, this had always seemed to him to be the essential business of human beings—the discovery of sense and causality amid the false leads, the noise, the trackless brambles of life. And yet he had always been haunted—had he not?—by the knowledge that there were men, lunatic cryptographers, mad detectives, who squandered their brilliance and sanity in decoding and interpreting the messages in cloud formations, in the letters of the Bible recombined, in the spots on butterflies’ wings. One might, perhaps, conclude from the existence of such men that meaning dwelled solely in the mind of the analyst. That it was the insoluble problems—the false leads and the cold cases—that reflected the true nature of things. That all the apparent significance and pattern had no more intrinsic sense than the chatter of an African gray parrot. One might so conclude; really, he thought, one might.”


“A delicate, inexorable lattice of inferences began to assemble themselves, like a crystal, in the old man’s mind, shivering, catching the light in glints and surmises.”


“it was the insoluble problems—the false leads and the cold cases—that reflected the true nature of things.”


“He did not fear death exactly, but he had evaded it for so many years that it had come to seem formidable simply by virtue of that long act of evasion. In particular he feared dying in some undignified way, on the jakes or with his face in the porridge.”


My Take

This book was in the Boulder Library’s “Recommended by a Librarian” and had the advantage of brevity, so I gave it a try.  What a disappointment! I cannot even tell you what the plot was.  I’ve enjoyed my previous readings of Michael Chabon (especially The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay), but this book was a Super Dud.  By all means, skip.

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526. The Sunlight Pilgrims

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:  Boulder Librarian

Author:   Jenni Fagan

Genre:   Fiction, Dystopia

310 pages, published March 24, 2018

Reading Format:   Book


The Sunlight Pilgrims is set in a futuristic 2020 and imagines the world in a new ice age.  Rather than head south as many others are doing, a grieving Dylan  heads north to bury his mother’s and grandmother’s ashes on the Scottish islands where they once lived.  At the same time on the Scottish Highlands, twelve-year-old Estella and her survivalist mother, Constance, scrape by and prepare for a record-breaking winter. When Dylan arrives in their caravan park, life changes course for Estella and Constance.


“When grown-ups hear a little dark door creaking in their hearts they turn the telly up. They slug a glass of wine. They tell the cat it was just a door creaking. The cat knows. It jumps down from the sofa and walks out of the room. When that little dark door in a heart starts to go click-clack click-clack click-clack click-clack so loudly and violently their chest shows an actual beat – well, then they say they’ve got bad cholesterol and they try to quit using butter, they begin to go for walks.  When the tiny dark door in her heart creaks open, she will walk right through it.  She will lie down and inside her own heart like a bird in the night.”

 “…the child of a wolf may not feel like she has fangs until she finds herself facing the moon, but they are still there the whole time regardless.”


“I’m going to draw up a human-rights contract that says everyone on earth must agree we are here as caretakers of the planet, first and foremost.”


 “She focuses, trying to absorb the suns’ energy deep into her cells so when they descend into the darkest winter for 200 years, in the quietest minutes, when the whole world experiences a total absence of light — she will glow, and glow, and glow.”


“It’s all borrowed: bricks; bodies; breathing — it’s all on loan! Eighty years on the planet if you’re lucky; why do they say if you’re lucky? Eighty years and people trying to get permanent bits of stone before they go, as if permanence were a real thing. Everyone has been taken hostage.”


My Take

I found The Sunlight Pilgrims to be a meandering slog without much to say.  It includes a completely unecessary subplot about gender identity that distracts from the cataclysmic environmental message of the book.  Skip.

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470. So You Want to Talk about Race

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:  Darla Schueth, Sue Deans

Author:   Ijeoma Oluo

Genre:   Non Fiction, Politics, Sociology, Cultural, Public Policy

248 pages, published January 16, 2018

Reading Format:  Audiobook on Overdrive


In So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo offers her take on the racial landscape in America, addressing issues including privilege, police brutality, intersectionality, micro-aggressions, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the “N” word.


“When we identify where our privilege intersects with somebody else’s oppression, we’ll find our opportunities to make real change.”


“If you live in this system of white supremacy, you are either fighting the system of you are complicit. There is no neutrality to be had towards systems of injustice, it is not something you can just opt out of.”


“To refuse to listen to someone’s cries for justice and equality until the request comes in a language you feel comfortable with is a way of asserting your dominance over them in the situation.”


“1. It is about race if a person of color thinks it is about race. 2. It is about race if it disproportionately or differently affects people of color. 3. It is about race if it fits into a broader pattern of events that disproportionately or differently affect people of color.”


“You are racist because you were born and bred in a racist, white supremacist society. White Supremacy is, as I’ve said earlier, insidious by design. The racism required to uphold White Supremacy is woven into every area of our lives. There is no way you can inherit white privilege from birth, learn racist white supremacist history in schools, consume racist and white supremacist movies and films, work in a racist and white supremacist workforce, and vote for racist and white supremacist governments and not be racist.”


“Systemic racism is a machine that runs whether we pull the levers or not, and by just letting it be, we are responsible for what it produces.”


“And if you are white in a white supremacist society, you are racist. If you are male in a patriarchy, you are sexist. If you are able-bodied, you are ableist. If you are anything above poverty in a capitalist society, you are classist. You can sometimes be all of these things at once.”


My Take

I read So You Want to Talk About Race as part of my Boulder Rotary Club book group.  While the women who assigned it were well meaning, I found it to be a very offensive, counterproductive book.  It’s hard to take Ijeoma Oluo too seriously when she spends a chapter talking about how soft her hair is and how much she resents people asking to touch it.  Really?  My bigger issue with this polemical book is her basic premise that America is systemically racist.  This is the big lie being perpetrated in 2020.  If you disagree with this viewpoint, read Heather MacDonald’s comprehensive article on the subject (https://www.manhattan-institute.org/police-black-killings-homicide-rates-race-injustice).  The police make approximately 10 million arrests a year.  For the last five years, the police have fatally shot about 1,000 civilians annually, the vast majority of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous.  In 2019, the police shot 14 unarmed black victims and 25 unarmed white victims, 0.2% of the total.  This hardly constitutes an epidemic of police brutality.  Moreover, defunding the police will only worsen conditions in minority areas.

Tellingly, Oluo, whose mother is white and whose father is from Nigeria, routinely criticizes her mother who struggled as a single mother to raise Oluo and her brother after being abandoned by her black husband when Oluo was a toddler, while having nothing negative to say about her absentee father who provided her with zero support as she grew up.  Indeed, I believe that absent fathers is the real crisis in the black community which has a shockingly high 77% out of wedlock childbirth rate.  Children raised in single parent households face myriad obstacles that negatively impact their life prospects.  I (and many others) assert that this is the primary cause of black underperformance rather than systemic white supremacy argued by Oluo.  Today, the only law on the books which discriminates on the basis of race is affirmative action.  Accusing Americans of being white supremacists may make Oluo and others like her feel better, but it will do little to improve the lives of other black Americans.  To do that, the black community needs to take a cold-eyed look at their culture and advocate changes to it that will actually make a difference.

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414. This Is How You Lose the Time War

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:  Drue Emerson

Author:   Amal El-Mohtar

Genre:   Fiction, Science Fiction

209 pages, published July 16, 2019

Reading Format:  Book


This Is How You Lose the Time War is written from by two authors, Amal-El Mohtar and Max Gladstone, and is told from the perspectives of Red and Blue, two time-traveling agents from warring futures who are working their way through the past.  Red and Blue begin to exchange letters which leads them to fall in love.


“I want to be a body for you. I want to chase you, find you, I want to be eluded and teased and adored; I want to be defeated and victorious—I want you to cut me, sharpen me. I want to drink tea beside you in ten years or a thousand. Flowers grow far away on a planet they’ll call Cephalus, and these flowers bloom once a century, when the living star and its black-hole binary enter conjunction.  I want to fix you a bouquet of them, gathered across eight hundred thousand years, so you can draw our whole engagement in a single breath, all the ages we’ve shaped together.”


“Adventure works in any strand—it calls to those who care more for living than for their lives.”


“And everyone is alive, somewhere in time.”


“But when I think of you, I want to be alone together. I want to strive against and for. I want to live in contact. I want to be a context for you, and you for me.  I love you, and I love you, and I want to find out what that means together.”


“Love is what we have, against time and death, against all the powers ranged to crush us down.”


“I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ll write it in waves. In skies. In my heart. You’ll never see, but you will know. I’ll be all the poets, I’ll kill them all and take each one’s place in turn, and every time love’s written in all the strands it will be to you.”


“It’s amazing how much blue there is in the world if you look. You’re different colors of flame. Bismuth burns blue, and cerium, germanium, and arsenic. See? I pour you into things.”


“Some days Blue wonders why anyone ever bothered making numbers so small; other days she supposes even infinity needs to start somewhere.”


My Take

While there are some beautiful and poetic parts of This Is How You Lose the Time War, I just couldn’t get into this book.  The plot (what there was of one) was difficult to follow and I often didn’t know what was going on.  However, it may just be me.  There are many others who really like this book.

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363. The Joy of Doing Just Enough

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:

Author:   Jennifer McCartney

Genre:  Non Fiction, Humor, Self Improvement

144 pages, published April 3, 2018

Reading Format:  Audio Book on Hoopla


As you can tell by the title, The Joy of Doing Just Enough isn’t a motivational, self-improvement book.   Rather, author Jennifer McCartney advocates that doing “just enough” to get by is often good enough.


My Take

While the message of this book isn’t completely counterproductive, my personal guru Gretchen Rubin said it much better, “One of the biggest wastes of time is doing something well that didn’t need to be done at all.”

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102. What She Left Behind

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:  Pam Dupont

Author:   Ellen Marie Wiseman

Genre:  Historical Fiction, Fiction. Mystery

368 pages, published December 31, 2013

Reading Format:  Audio Book



Ten years ago, Izzy Stone’s mother fatally shot her father while he slept. Devastated by her mother’s apparent insanity, Izzy, now seventeen, refuses to visit her in prison. But her new foster parents, employees at a local museum, have enlisted Izzy’s help in cataloging items at a long-shuttered state asylum. There, amid piles of abandoned belongings, Izzy discovers a stack of unopened letters and an old journal written by Clara Cartwright.  When Clara was eighteen years old in 1929 she was caught between her overbearing parents and her love for an Italian immigrant named Bruno.  When she rejects a loveless arranged marriage, Clara is committed to a public asylum.  As Izzy deals with her own challenges, Clara’s story keeps drawing her into the past.  



“The world was full of broken people, and all the hospitals and institutions and jails could never mend their fractured hearts, wounded minds, and trampled spirits.”


“The earth and everything on it was cast black for those last few minutes of daylight, as if evil ruled the world for that short period of time, before the stars and moon came out to illuminate the night sky and remind everyone and everything that there really was lightness and goodness in the universe, that there really was hope and heaven.”


“Either way, the thought of entire lives lost—family celebrations, Christmases and birthdays, love affairs and bedtime stories, weddings and high school graduations—because of a misfire or unexplained chaos inside a person’s brain, made her chest constrict. It wasn’t fair.”

My Take

I haven’t given two stars to many books, but that is the best I can do for What She Left Behind.  Stringing together clichés and worn out tropes does not make for compelling reading.

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76. Misfit to Masterpiece

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:  Christie Funk Heflin

Author:   M. Diane Pearce

Genre:  Non Fiction, Christian, Self-Help

150 pages, published August 8, 2014

Reading Format:  Book



In Misfit to Masterpiece, Diane Pearce tells of her journey from abused orphan to wife, mother, friend, marriage counselor, professor, and Founder of Legacy Strategy, Inc. Pearce shows how each of us can heal from the harm done to us by others, and even grow to the point of being inspired by that very same hurt. As humans, when we’re hurt, we’re intrinsically wired to protect ourselves by isolating from the world.  However, we’re also created for relationship, not isolation, and we are not capable of bearing the burden of our harmful circumstances alone. So what happens when, no matter what we do, our relationships hurt us, sometimes seemingly beyond repair?  Misfit to Masterpiece seeks to provide an answer for that questions and the answer goes through Jesus Christ.  Pearce provides simple strategies for healing our heart attitude, as well as the tools necessary to embrace the true strength and beauty of our character.




My Take

I don’t mind overtly religious books. In fact, they are sometimes the best books that I read.  However, while Pearce’s story of growing up as an orphan in an incredibly abusive situation was powerful and moving, that is only a small part of the book.  The rest is more or less a guide to prayer for help from God in dealing with abuse.  There is nothing wrong with this.  It just didn’t move me.

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33. Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:  Melissa Byers

Author:  David Sedaris

Genre:  Fiction, Short Stories, Humor

Info:  159 pages, published September 28, 2010

Format:  Book



Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk is a collection of short stories from master storyteller David Sedaris focused on animal-themed tales.  While the characters are not human, the situations in these stories bear a strong resemblance to the madness of everyday life.  In “The Toad, the Turtle, and the Duck,” three strangers commiserate about animal bureaucracy while waiting in a complaint line.  In “Hello Kitty,” a cynical feline struggles to sit through his prison-mandated AA meetings.  In “The Squirrel and the Chipmunk,” a pair of star-crossed lovers is separated by prejudiced family members.



“The squirrel and the chipmunk had been dating for two weeks when they ran out of things to talk about. Acorns, parasites, the inevitable approach of autumn: these subjects had been covered within their first hour, and so breathlessly their faces had flushed.  Twice they had held long conversations about dogs, each declaring an across-the-board hatred of them and speculating on what life might be like were someone to put a bowl of food in front of them two times a day. ‘They’re spoiled rotten is what it comes down to,’ the chipmunk had said, and the squirrel placed his paw over hers, saying, ‘that’s it exactly.  Finally, someone who really gets it.’”

“Plenty of animals had pets, but few were more devoted than the mouse, who owned a baby corn snake—“A rescue snake, she’d be quick to inform you. This made it sound like he’d been snatched from the jaws of a raccoon, but what she’d really rescued him from was a life without her love. And what sort of a life would that have been?”

“Nothing irritated her more than these high-and-mighty vegetarians who ate meat sometimes and then decided that it didn’t really count.”

“But songbirds are trash,” the chicken said, and the guinea hen laughed, saying, “Well, then, I guess we could all use a little more trash in our lives.”

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26. Rich Like Them:  My Door-to-Door Search for the Secrets of Wealth in America’s Richest Neighborhoods

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:  

Author:  Ryan D’Agostino

Genre:  Non-Fiction, Finance 

Info:  256 pages, published January 5, 2009

Format:  Audiobook



Ryan D’Agostino, former senior editor at Money, knocked on 500 doors in the twenty wealthiest zip codes in the U.S. to discover how people got rich.  He met with a wide variety of men and women who shared their most difficult financial decisions, toughest setbacks, greatest strategies, most triumphant moments, and deepest insights.  In Rich Like Them,  D’Agostino shares what he found.  The best pieces of advice:   

Connect the people you meet

Once you connect the dots, then follow through

Don’t deviate from your planned path to get a quick gain

Perseverance doesn’t take forever

Do one thing and do it well

Don’t plan a career – plan a life

Never stop being a student

Calculate every risk – even the one you live in

Don’t worry about what other people think

If you hate your career, um, change it

Sometimes the biggest risk is doing nothing

Never let pride get in the way of profit

Be humble even if you’re as rich as Brooke Astor

Understand your limitations

Don’t be a slave to Plan A – it’ll prevent you from seeing Plan B



Anyone can find herself at the right place at the right time but if you don’t recognize that and don’t work hard to take advantage of it or if you’re lazy you’re unfocused you can be at the best possible place at the best possible time and still end up making $70,000 instead of $700,000.

“Never let pride get in the way of profit.”

“A humble person never believes he knows everything or has done everything, and that’s what keeps him working hard. He believes there is always more he can learn, that he can always do a better job next time, and that hard work is just part of getting better.”

“When you fail miserably, be thankful.”

“Humility makes it OK to roll up your sleeves and stay late when no one else does it.  To make your own coffee instead of having an assistant.  Humility makes you work harder.”

“ Money is simply a tool, to make a good life and to make other lives good.”

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11. Find Your Balance Point

Rating:  ☆☆

Recommended by:   

Author:  Brian Tracy

Genre:  Non-Fiction, Self-Improvement

Info:  128 pages, published August 25, 2015

Format:  E-Book (Zinio)


Author Brian Tracy argues that each of us has a balance point where we feel in perfect harmony, grounded, happy, connected to others, and where our mind, body and spirit are in alignment, i.e, when “you feel at one with the universe.” He then posits that imbalance in our lives results not so much from doing too much but from doing too much of the wrong things. He then provides a process that enables you to sort out what is most important to you from among the many activities you could focus on. When you can efficiently identify and accomplish what really matters to you, you’ve found your balance point.


“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

“Fully 85 percent of your happiness will be determined by having the right people in your life.”

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