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402. In Defense of Elitism: Why I’m Better Than You and You are Better Than Someone Who Didn’t Buy This Book

Rating:  ☆☆☆1/2

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Author:   Joel Stein

Genre:    Nonfiction, Politics, Sociology, Humor, Economics

336 pages, published October 22, 2019

Reading Format:  Book


In Defense of Elitism is former TIME columnist Joel Stein’s take on America’s political culture war and a defense of the elite to which he proudly claims membership.

The night Donald Trump won the presidency, Joel Stein knew the main reason wasn’t economic anxiety or racism but that Trump was anti-elitist.  Hillary Clinton represented Wall Street, academics, policy papers, Davos, international treaties and the people who think they’re better than you. People like Joel Stein.  Trump represented something far more appealing, which was beating up people like Joel Stein.  To find out how this shift happened and what can be done, Stein spends a week in Roberts County, Texas, which had the highest percentage of Trump voters in the country. He also goes to the home of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams who predicted Trump’s win.


“More than 90 percent of whites with postgraduate degrees who voted for Hillary Clinton believe it’s “racist for a white person to want less immigration to help maintain the white share of the population,” while only 45 percent of minority voters feel that way. More than 80 percent of white people who voted for Hillary Clinton think diversity makes America stronger, while only 54 percent of black voters agree.”


My Take

In Defense of Elitism was an entertaining read.  Joel Stein is a witty writer and I found myself chuckling throughout this book.  Also, to his credit, Stein does not look down on the Trump supporters he meets in Roberts County, Texas.  To the contrary, he seems genuinely touched by their good will and continued prayers for him.